+7 (495) 236-77-50

Антибанкротство. Субсидиарная ответственность. Работа в аварийной ситуации на стороне должника и взыскателя. Работа на упреждение с разбором кейса. Подробнее

Tax consulting

Transfer pricing

To pay or not to pay – that's the question !

The Tax Code is a rather “tricky” and confusing document, besides, it regularly undergoes various changes. That is why all over the world and in Russia in particular, more and more organizations are using such a service as tax consulting.

It is clear that while companies engage in mining, bread baking, furniture manufacture and other economic activities, they do not have the opportunity to devote the same amount of time and attention to studying legislative acts and new additions to them. Thus, enterprises are constantly under the Damocles’ sword, because violations related to the payment of taxes, even unintentional, are fraught with the saddest consequences – from huge fines to a complete shutdown of the organization.

How we work

01 Contact us
The next step

You can contact us in any convenient way, call, order a callback, write to e-mail, WhatsApp or Telegram.
You can write to us even on a weekend or a holiday, and we’ll contact you on the next working day at a time convenient for you.
We coordinate a diagnostic meeting with our specialists, as well as advise what information is required from you for maximum productivity.

02 We hold a meeting
The next step

At the meeting, we preliminarily diagnose the situation and determine how we can be useful. We will tell you in advance what information you need. Directly at the meeting, from the side of clients, there are business owners, and from our side there are specialized specialists. We conduct diagnostic meetings in our office, which allows us to simultaneously involve several specialists from our side at once, as well as ensure proper confidentiality.

03 We discuss solutions
The next step

After the diagnostic meeting, we analyze the situation and offer solutions. In the course of the discussion, we talk over all possible components of solutions, find out whether we have taken into account all the points and wishes. When developing possible options, we take into account the latest innovations of the regulatory and fiscal authorities, look at the situation through the eyes of the inspectors, and when proposing solutions, we put ourselves in the client's shoes. Next, we define the stages, terms, methods, and only after that we can determine the cost. If we take on a solution, then we bring it to the end.

04 We sign an agreement
The next step

In addition to the service agreement, we draw up and sign a confidentiality agreement (NDA), this allows us to legally formalize a non-disclosure agreement about our client. We issue an invoice for payment, in some cases advance payment is possible. After receipt of payment, we appoint a responsible manager, if necessary, create a working group. From our side, we define one - a single point of entry for our client, thereby facilitating access to information about the progress of the service.

05 We implement a project

In the process of project implementation, we organize internal planning meetings of the working group. In doing so, we use the principle of cross internal control. This means that our specialists double-check each other not only according to the results, but also in the process of project implementation, thus, we minimize the likelihood of errors. We also hold interim meetings with clients to discuss preliminary results, after which we agree on a closing meeting.
At the final meeting, we present the agreed result.
And of course we try to get the highest possible appreciation from you, and this is possible if you are completely satisfied with our work.

Tax consulting is a real opportunity to reduce not only tax risks, but also tax payments, and we mean absolutely legal methods.

Qualified lawyers who are well versed in the current norms of the law, as well as experienced tax inspectors and auditors of the AIP company will audit documents, identify tax risks, develop a tax optimization scheme, and, if necessary, protect your interests in the tax authorities. Don't wait until it's too late! Get ahead of the tax authorities, because the amounts of fines today are simply off scale and can become a real threat to the continued existence of your business. Do you have extra taxes? It's time to start planning.

Why the AIP Group?

25 years We have been successfully working for customers!

Training center
Training center

Personal training center

RSA member
RSA member

Member of the Russian Society of Appraisers


Passed the quality control of SRO “Sodruzhestvo”


Real auditors in the company’s staff

Do you want to pay less taxes?

Periodically conduct tax optimization (e.g. once every 2-3 years).

In order to reduce tax burden, there are many absolutely legal methods and schemes, starting, for example, with changing business agreements and using one's right to benefits provided for by law, and ending with the reorganization of an enterprise or the construction of a holding company. Companies engaged in foreign economic activities have even more opportunities, because in this case international instruments become available.

Planning begins with a detailed analysis of the existing tax model, during which its weaknesses are identified. The contractual activity of the company is also studied and the real tax burden is determined. After that, they start developing a new model that allows minimizing tax payments.

As a result of competent planning and optimization, you remain a respectable taxpayer and at the same time you pay the minimum possible tax payments in your case. Thousands of companies are already doing this, so why don’t you work with your tax base and think about tax management?

Do you want to reduce tax risks?

If an ambiguous situation occurs, immediately seek advice from a knowledgeable specialist.

In particular, he will help to resolve complicated issues related to taxation, for example, VAT refund. He will also provide for and assess the possible tax consequences and financial risks from a particular transaction. With his help, you will be able to avoid double taxation (why pay more?), as well as prepare for a tax audit, which rarely passes without unpleasant incidents, and, if necessary, you'll get reliable protection when resolving tax disputes that have arisen. The support of tax audits by our specialists guarantees the observance of your rights.

If the situation has come to court proceedings, you should not give up. As practice shows, with the help of an experienced lawyer, a taxpayer has a good chance to defend his case. With the participation of a professional lawyer who knows where the danger for the taxpayer lies, only in 25% of cases the tax authorities manage to persuade the court to their side, and at the same time half of these cases are sent for review.

Within the framework of tax consulting, the AIP Company provides a wide range of services that cover all possible problems related to taxation issues.

At the same time, we address our assistance to organizations of various types of activity and scale – from large enterprises that are interested, for example, in building a foreign structure, to representatives of small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. Both of them periodically have controversial issues on taxation, but at the same time many do not have the opportunity and need to keep a full-time tax specialist on staff. AIP is ready to act in this capacity – we will find a unique solution for each client.

Manage your taxes!
You can ask us any questions by phone - +7 (495) 236-77-50
Get more information
Get more information
The AIP Group helps medium and large businesses.
Contact our expert to find out how we can help your business.
Irina - Customer Service Department +7 (495) 236-77-50

If you have any questions, you can leave a request for a call and our specialist will call you back.

Order a call
Офисы группы АИПOffices of the AIP Group
SUE Mosgortrans SUE Mosgortrans
Lufthansa Technik Vostok Services LLC Lufthansa Technik Vostok Services LLC
Domodedovo Airport Business Aviation Center Domodedovo Airport Business Aviation Center
GUP MR Mostransavto GUP MR Mostransavto
Federal Air Transport Agency Federal Air Transport Agency
ЭБМ диагностика ЭБМ диагностика
МосГорТранс МосГорТранс
Ассоциация ломбардов Ассоциация ломбардов
Доктор Борменталь Доктор Борменталь
Нивюс Техцентр Нивюс Техцентр
Авком-Д Авком-Д
Ваш Финансовый Партнёр Ваш Финансовый Партнёр
Атлетика Консалтинг Атлетика Консалтинг
Возрождение Возрождение
Администрация Коньково Администрация Коньково
Аудиторская ассоциация Содружество Аудиторская ассоциация Содружество
Военный Университет Военный Университет
Детский сад №2486 Детский сад №2486
Детский сад №2513 Детский сад №2513
Детский сад №2635 Детский сад №2635
Евразийская ассоциация арбористов Евразийская ассоциация арбористов
Институт инвестиционного развития Институт инвестиционного развития
Информационные Компоненты Информационные Компоненты
Московский Новый Юридический Институт Московский Новый Юридический Институт
Муниципалитет Коньково Муниципалитет Коньково
Муниципалитет Ступино Муниципалитет Ступино
Муниципалитет Черемушки Муниципалитет Черемушки
Муниципалитет Южное Бутово Муниципалитет Южное Бутово
Нобили Нобили
ОборонТех ОборонТех
Перспектива Изыскания Перспектива Изыскания
Почта-сервис Почта-сервис
Ситаксис Ситаксис
Скоропослушница Скоропослушница
СМУ №122 СМУ №122
ФГУП по эксплуатации зданий ФГУП по эксплуатации зданий
Фонд "Маршал Жуков" Фонд "Маршал Жуков"
ЦДиК Южное Бутово ЦДиК Южное Бутово
Шерман Консалтинг Шерман Консалтинг
Эйс Таргет Эйс Таргет
ООО "Торидолл" ООО "Торидолл"
Центральное издательство "Воздушный Транспорт" Центральное издательство "Воздушный Транспорт"
ООО Миранда ООО Миранда
ООО Паллада ООО Паллада
ДС-Тек ДС-Тек
Zenit Retail Solutions LLC Zenit Retail Solutions LLC
Administration of the Konkovo Municipal District Administration of the Konkovo Municipal District
Russian Cultural Foundation Russian Cultural Foundation
They trust us









Gazprom avtomatizatsiya


Mitsubishi Motors


ALD Automotive

Eurasian Development Bank (EDB)


Russian Regional Development Bank (RRDB)

Nivus Technical Center

AtomTeploElectroSet LLC

Administration of the Konkovo Municipal District

Tulskaya metro station Moscow, Dukhovskoy lane 17/1
Polyanka metro station Moscow, Bolshaya Polyanka str. 15